12种健身房健身人像Lightroom预设12 HDR Sports Lightroom Presets
12种健身房健身人像Lightroom预设12 HDR Sports Lightroom Presets
You will get 12 HDR Sports Lightroom Presets. These Presets are perfect for a constant Instagram feed in a beautiful style with modern colors for travel, photography, fashion, or lifestyle blogger and anyone who wants to bring their photos to a better quality. You can create unique photos in a moment. Get inspired and work on your Instagram feed, blog, or personal aesthetic portfolio. These presets are thoroughly created and it is a very good basis for your photos to take to the next level. This pack included premium quality & creative lightroom presets. Every presets works properly. No, destroy presets included in the pack. These presets work with any photo. These preset are very clean & professional retouching & RAW filter presets with editable. Smart adjustments & professional results. – supported file formats: DNG, TIFF, and JPEG formats (in other words, the formats primarily used in digital cameras) Just one click to apply all presets.Effects on your photo. Clean presets, smart work. Easy to use.No destruction effects. Save your precious time and money.
Help file included
Total 12 effects
XMP file included
Recommended image size ( 2000px to 5000px )
Clean preset, Clean work

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